Browsing Urban Outfitters today I was surprised to see that they now have a sewing section. They're even offering a sewing machine called "The Professional Sewing Machine" by Singer. The sewing kit and tape measure would be cute as gifts, and I like the vintage buttons and appliques. Most of the items are available online only. Let's keep our eyes on this to see what else they might add!
This is a fabulous addition to their site, but even more, they obviously believe that there is such an interest in sewing that they've included it in as a feature on their site....great news!
Thank you. I'll add that site to my files.
Hmm, maybe I'll check out my local Urban Outfitters store and see if they have notions there. Thanks for pointing this out.
How fantastic is that! I'll pass on the handheld sewing machine though. :)
Be still my beating heart. There's a UA down in the Inner Harbor. A short walk from my office. They have the best gadgets!
Really amazing. I might even get the sewing helper, as I need help seeing stitches that need ripping.
thanks your that, I don't know why but I must have the sew helper!
I saw that the other day. I try to stay away from UO because there are so many tempting clothes on there, but now I am sunk.
interesting, thanks for posting!
Cute notions but don't be fooled thinking that machine is industrial grade.
Just say NO to the handheld sewing machine.
The tape measure is very cute though!
Even more curious is that there's no sign of the sewing stuff in the EU UO site...
I will have to bookmark this one.
Wow, how fun! I love the buttons! Thanks for linking to this - I never would have found it otherwise.
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