Look what the very generous Marita sent to me! Patrones 276. An issue of Patrones is nearly worth a bar of gold in the US, it is so rare and coveted.
This is the first issue I've seen that has kids clothes included (I thought they usually have their own issue?). And it has some nice bridal gowns too.
Here's a peek inside:

Woah, what a great present. I still love this color blocking look from model 15&16. Can't wait to see what you will sew!
Lucky you ! This patrones issue is also making eye at me... I guess I could use little trip to Barcelona ;o)
Awesome! The grid view of this looked so good I actually coughed up for this from stoffe-art earlier in the week. I try to skip the hot weather issues but this one looked so nice and transitional!
Oh, Christina...please tell me there might be other bridal dresses in there and you are willing to share pictures of those...I'm on the hunt for a good wedding dress pattern. :) Yes, I decided I'm just crazy enough to dim (do it myself) the dress.
i love this wedding dress!! pls show us more wedding dress! would love to see them...although i already married! lol!
Funny is i'm actually from Spain but just moved months ago to USA. never paid attention to Patrones...maybe is because i just got interested in sewing when i moved to usa :o(
Grrr.....must find out how to get this magazine!
Although I'm not there yet, that wedding dress is guh-orrrr-geeeous!
hoOO it's very beautiful !!
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