
Remember the owl print fabric I used in a Burda magazine top earlier this year? I had discovered that the fabric originated from a US designer. Well, Hana - Marmota from the Czech Republic wrote to me with some very interesting information - the owl image was actually created by Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak in 1960, it's called The Enchanted Owl, and it appeared on a Canadian postage stamp in 1970!

As I mentioned I would, I went to the Seattle Cheese Festival last weekend and look at what I came away with! Mmmm...

And finally, the hottest ticket in town is now in my hot little hands. After a very long wait in line, I bought tickets to see the new Sex and the City movie at The Big Picture in Seattle - it's a small theater with around 100 seats, and it's 21-and-over with a bar - which means they will actually serve you a Cosmopolitan right at your seat! The only way to watch that film, in my opinion...
haha! ME TOO (on the theater that is). Friday night sister!! And they serve drinks at our fancy little theater too! I'm, ahem, a little excited.
Oh, and love that bit on the stamp.
I would have loved to gone to the cheese festival as we LOVE cheese in our family. But we decided to stay local and go to Viking Fest instead. Wasn't the weather wonderful! I hadn't heard of the Big Picture before. What a great way to watch a movie!
Love SJP and the gals! I'm really looking forward to this movie. We better not be disappointed!
Thank you, Christina, for mentioning my blog. I apprecate it!
Have fun at the movie!
I CANNOT wait to see that movie, and where you are going to see it sounds so fun - I am envious!
Your blog has really been an inspiration - I am a relatively new seamstress and VERY new blogger. :) Thanks for sharing all your projects. Your blog is one of my favorites - I always look forward to seeing your projects. Thanks for sharing!
Oh I am very envious of your movie theatre!
Well, my first encounter with Kenojuak Ashewak was quite an interesting one, which caused my "good" knowledge about her... it was in a book, written by Helena "Nelly" Rasmussen, a Czech lady who travelled to the Baffin Island, in 70s or 80s, I think; and spent some time with Kenojuak and her family, staying in their house, making friends with Kenojuak's daughter and having the first-hand experience of Kenojuak creating some of her pictures and her telling the story of her life. And sharing it with Czech readers. I was still a child when I read it for the first time and it left a deep mark upon me... maybe it was the first-hand-ness of it.
So you see designers get their inspiration from all over the world. Nice story. And thanks for a link to a new blogger. Marked right away.
Enjoy the movie!
Have fun at the movie!! That cheese looks way tempting...
Man, really wish I hadn't been so lazy this weekend. Should've made it up to that cheese festival. Your haul of cheeses look tastey!
I have to check and see if we have that type of theater here in NY. I'm sure we do. A drink the hand and a super cute outfit is the only way to go and watch the SITC movie.
I've never been to the Big Picture but a friend swears it's awesome. I'll have to try & catch something there since it sounds like this is already sold out. Have fun!
Thanks for the good wishes on my site! Now that I'm done, I can actually spend more time sewing! Yey!
If you put Mara Hoffman's name in the post, her Google alert service will pick it up just like last time. I am curious what she and her copyright would have to say about this.
By the way, did you ever contact her and tell her where you bought the fabric?
wow, how chic is that,, drink cocktails and watching the movie,, impressive, that is good info about that print I didn't know that at all
Thank you for the link to The Princess Seam blog! I will check it out!
:Drumroll: What did you think of the movie? ;)
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