My mom sent me a really great package recently, and it included these two things:

This chocolate brown knitted bag, it's the Everlasting Bagstopper from the Summer 2007 issue of Knitty. Made with hemp yarn, just like they recommend in the pattern! My mom is a great knitter; I know how to knit but my mom is really the master in our family. She is a patient but fast knitter while I'm exactly the opposite. This is the perfect gift for me as I am such a freak for resusable bags. You'll find fabric bags in nearly every corner of my house, and always one in my purse. I'm happy to have this knitted bag to add to the mix.
ohmigosh i love that apron. i went through a huge apron phase a few years ago. i still make them as housewarming and engagement gifts.
Very cute apron. I really don't know how people find things at thrift stores. I try and I try and nothing ever makes its way home with me.
How wonderful to have a special mother like yours in your life....
This is the first time I've seen your blog and I have to say I am now a new fan!
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