6:15 pm - Arrive at home, start making dinner
7:15 pm - Eat dinner, get sucked into beginning of The Wedding Crashers but pull myself away
7:45 pm - Converse with husband, determine we must be on road by 7:00 am in order to make it to Portland, OR, by 11:00 am for memorial service (3 hour drive under normal conditions, plus 1 hour leeway for any traffic 'surprises')
7:47 pm - Obsessively catch up on Bloglines posts and email
8:00 pm - Get working on blouse
11:30 pm - Concern and frustration set in that I still have the the following to do and I'm already very tired:
- set in second sleeve
- check sleeve length and sew cuffs on both sleeves
- make 8 buttonholes
- hand sew 8 buttons
11:31 pm - Run back to closet to look at my clothes again
11:33 - Notice small group of garments on floor - a few things I purchased at Zara in Las Vegas last month which I was saving to integrate into my wardrobe for fall, including a black blouse!
11:35 - Try on Zara blouse, ditch its fashiony statement belt per husband's advice, resulting in a smart, sensible look
11:37 - Close door on sewing room and vow to finish BWOF blouse very soon
Seriously, thank goodness I found the Zara blouse, or I would have needed a caffeine IV drip today. Instead, my usual 1 (large) cup of coffee sufficed.
We made it to Portland with time to spare this morning. The memorial service was for my husband's maternal grandfather; he was diagnosed with cancer last month and passed away last week at age 88. He is survived by his wife of 66(!) years (Tim's grandmother is the sweetest woman ever) and a very large family of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, siblings, nieces and nephews, and many friends. It was a lovely service.

I do want to send a big thanks to Linda for pointing out something very sneaky about BWOF blouse 8-2007-117 (she posted this in the comments for my previous post):
"Did you notice on the photo of the blouse from Burda that there is a pleat folded out around the neckline just under the collar? The sleeve pattern you show that goes with this blouse suggests that the blouse should have a dropped sleeve. And that explains why the shoulder seam is so wide. Funny how the the line drawing doesn't show the pleat around the neck. Instead it looks like a blouse with a high set-in sleeve.
I think that someone realized that the shirt would look better with the armhole seam up on the shoulder and not dropped. So they photographed it that way. But they didn't change the pattern."
Argh! Yes, now that you mention it, I do see it. It reminds me of how, sometimes you walk into a boutique and you see a really great shirt or dress on the mannequin, then you walk around to the back of the mannequin and you see the shirt/dress has a bunch of pins in it to make it look fitted on the mannequin. Talk about misleading...
Sometimes it's best to call it a day! Can't wait to see your blouse finished though :)
I hope you're still able to finish it. 66 years of marriage?? Wow. That's tremendous.
I am glad that you found something to wear to the memorial service and now you can take your time and finish the blouse. Can't wait to see your version.
And 66 years of marriage is QUITE and accomplishment!
"The pins on the back of mannequin." One of the reason's why I'm reluctant to buy clothes online.
I get very obsessive with sewing blogs when I'm on a time crunch to finish a sewing project. It is so counter productive, but so it goes.
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