A huge table of Anne Klein knits (poly/lycra), $9.99/yard.

I found an ivory/black abstract print that was just so me and came away with 3 yards of it, intending to make Vogue 1029, a DKNY dress. When I got home and took a closer look at the pattern, I realized the skirt is cut on the bias, a full quarter-pie shape really. The print I bought is directional. Still, I think I’ll go ahead with it because the directionality of the print isn’t that strong, and I’m hoping it might even look cool.
And look what else I found:

FOE (fold-over elastic)! Cidell recently had success with this stuff and I’m curious to try it. It’ll be perfect for the crossover v-neck of the DKNY dress.

Exploring notions is almost as fun as fabric shopping. I picked up some white Clover marking chalk, just because. I've really been wanting to try out the Japanese-made Kai scissors so when I came across them, I took it as a sign that they should be added to my basket. Ann recently raved about them. And given how many Burda magazine patterns I use, I really ought to have a Clover double tracing wheel, dontchya think?

I spotted these Clover "fork pins" that look like they'd be great for pinning slippery fabrics. I thought I should do some research first. Does anyone know - what are they used for, are they worth it? They're $10/box.
Fork pins are great for very slippery fabrics. But not for $10 for 35!!! You can get them much cheaper than that. Let me do a little research and I'll find you a source online.
My double tracing wheel is my FAVORITE notion!!! That was the ONE thing that took away my fear of BWOF! LOL
I *Love* my Kai scissors that I picked up at the PACC conference in Denver this past fall. I've owned I don't know how many pairs of Ginghers, but they're just languishing since I got my Kai's.
And since you sew so much Burda you will love the double tracing wheel. Just be conscious of getting both "legs" even when you push them in.
Meanwhile, I think you'll be fine with the direction of the print on that skirt - it'll be pretty.
But I'm absolutely hyperventilating over that red/white bolt, third from the front, with the white stencilled on flowers and the heavy stripe border. That is so Me! Where is this store?
Hi There,
I've been reading your blog for quite a while, but hadn't quite gotten the guts to comment yet.
I work at Pacific Fabrics (the Bremerton store) and we do have a more limited selection of those beautiful Anne Klein jersey's, they just feel so butter soft, don't they. I have sewn up one piece for my self so far, and it feels like a dream.
The cutting out, not so much fun...but I know you will do a fabulous job as always.
The Kai scissor are also fabulous, as Gorgeous Things says. We use them for all our cutting at the store, and they really keep their edge like no other scissor I have used. I have even reluctantly started recommending them over my beloved Gingher scissors.
Anyhow, love your blog. I really enjoy reading someones perspective that is so close to my age :)
I didn't even know about the double tracing wheel, I am going to get one, sounds promising
Ahhh!!! I'll take a couple of yards of everything on the table! Seriously...the next time we come up for a Mariner's game, I definitely am heading over to the Pacific Fabric Outlet! Mary
I have been reading your blog for a while & really enjoy it... thanks for sharing your sewing with us :) The only application I have seen for the fork pins is in quilting when you need to match seams as it holds both sides of the seam steady. Never heard of the double tracing wheel before - how does that work?
I have those Kai scissors too and they are great. I've never seen a double tracing wheel before, very interesting, I too love notions.
Two questions, where is the Pacific Fabrics Outlet and why haven't I been there? I'm checking their website right now.
Okay, I just checked their website and I have been there, only it was probably about 45 years ago and I was with my parents.
Christina the KAI scissors are the best. I have a pair myself.
Sue - Cidell talked about how to use a double tracing wheel here. If I find a new way to use it I'll let you know!
Thanks Christina!
I think the dress will look fantastic in that fabric. I have vicariously purchased almost everything on the Anne Klein knit table, good job that little virtual trip didn't cost me anything!
Oh that sounds like a great time. Notions are great and I'm so jealous ;o)
I'm sure the prints will go well with the DKNY dress and I'm also quite curious about the FOE!
You have quite an impressive loot there!
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