Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Intentions interrupted

Thank you for the positive feedback about my wardrobe! It feels sooo good to be done.

I was all set to come home tonight and write a thoughtful post about the wardrobe process. And, I made a quick trip the the Pacific Fabric outlet after work today and came away with some things that I'm excited to show you. On my way home though, I got a call from my husband - our house had been broken into...

The most important thing is that all 3 kitties are accounted for and unharmed, thank goodness! It was clear the burglars tried to pry open the front door, and tried to get in a window. They finally made it in through a door to the basement (like you see in a mother-in-law apt). They took some stuff - passports, credit cards, liquor, the Xbox, the Wii - but there was a lot of stuff they didn't take - computers (else I wouldn't be able to blog!), an iPod, a DVD player... My sewing machine is fine! And they didn't touch my fabric! Fortunately they didn't realize the value of all that... The things they took that bother me the most:

-- Tim's passport that he used when he was a little kid. His dad was in international banking and they lived all over - Singapore, Japan, England - so it had tons of stamps and visas from their travels, plus an adorable B&W photo of him wearing a sweater vest and big thick framed glasses.
-- Various pieces of jewelry that Tim has given me for birthdays and holidays.
-- 200 Euros cash that I received as a gift and was saving for a trip later this year. That was growing more and more valuable by the day!

All in all we are pretty lucky. There was no unnecessary damage, the vast majority of our stuff is still here, and like I said before, the kitties are fine which is the main thing. The police came and took fingerprints, etc, but I don't expect anything to come out of it. I did learn a few things from them though:

1. Document the serial numbers on anything that has one - if someone takes it, they won't be able to pawn it because it will be listed as stolen.

2. You can hide important documents in the freezer because most people don't look there. There are even special "decoy" containers for this. Also, if there is a fire, your documents will most likely survive if they are in the freezer. (Or use a safe, of course. We had stuff in a small safe but they key was right there, mainly trying to protect the things inside from fire, not even considering we'd get ripped off!)

*Sigh* I'll reflect on the wardrobe very soon. Right now I'm just ready to unwind and get lost in a good book.


Berry said...

I'm sorry to read about what happened to you. Hopefully your cats and most of your precious belongings are safe. I hope your book was excellent and that you feel better today!

Anonymous said...

at least no one got hurt, but I can't even imagine how terrified you were to hear the news,,, its weird that they took you dh's passport though,, that is very suspicious and didn't take the big ticket items.

Stephanie said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Lori said...

I am so sorry this happened to you and how frightening. I hope the book to your mind off of it.

Debbie Cook said...

I'm sorry about the break-in. Such a violation. But so glad your kitties are OK.

narcissaqtpie said...

How terrible. Having your space violated is rough but I'm glad you, hubbs and the sewing stuff are ok :)

Thanks for the freezer tip!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are okay. I understand what you mean about the kitties. I have a kitty and his safety (as well as my two doggies who live outside in the backyard fence) is my main conern when I leave the house. Can you tell I don't have kids?

cidell said...

Ah crap. Sorry about that. I'm glad you, your cats and fabric are all safe.

Gorgeous Things said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! Be on the lookout for ID fraud. It sounds like they stole things to commit identity theft (the Passports, especially). Put a lock on your credit reports immediately (I'm sure I'm telling you things you already know, but just to be sure you're safe).

I'm so glad your kitties and you are okay.

Jen said...

I so sorry this happened to you I am just glad that you are ok

Anonymous said...

Oh, how terrible. I'm glad you are o.k. But what a yucky feeling to have your home invaded.

I have always worried about my passport being stolen while traveling--but it never occurred to me that I needed to safeguard it at home. You've inspired me to do something about my paper files.

AllisonC said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news, but glad to hear that you, Tim and your moggies are OK.

Paula Gardner said...

How terribly upsetting for you. Thank goodness your kitties are okay.

Author said...

What an awful, awful thing. I'm so sorry to hear it. Glad the kitties are safe--we have kitty kids too, so I totally understand. I didn't post about your SWAP but I must say I am very impressed. Everything looks great and the combinations are awesome.



Meg said...

Wow, you sound so positive despite this horrible intrusion. I'm writing down serial numbers now....

Lashell said...

Sorry to hear about what happened. It's good to know that everyone is okay.

Reethi said...

Ouch, Christina, what a bummer! I'm so sorry, take care!

loopylulu said...

Ug, what an unpleasant experience. I'm glad you and all your loved ones are safe.

Piecake said...

I'm so sorry this happened. You seem to have the right attitude towards it. Thank you for passing on the tips.

Dk's Wife said...

Good grief! Glad no one got hurt -- meaning the owners of the home!

Your summer wardrobe is just lovely!


Kelly said...

Sorry about the break in. The most important thing is that you, your dh, and your kittens are unharmed.

Myrna said...

When my home was broken into, the burglar went through the freezer. They just threw everything out and left it on the floor around it. It's a vulernable feeling having someone break into your house. Your look on the positive side attitude will help you get through it

Linda said...

This is awful that this happened to you. I was going to mention about the identity theft, but Ann already did. She is right about calling the CC companies which I am sure you already did. But also get a credit check on both of you for one year. You never know what they will do with the passport information. They knew what to look for.

I hope you bounce back from this soon. My heart goes out to both of you.

Michelle said...

Hello, I'm delurking today. Sad to hear about the breakin, but luckily the kitties are ok! I worry about what my cat would do if someone broke into my house like that. Thanks for the tips. I'm gonna gather those serial numbers and save them in a safe place.

yaiAnn said...

Oh no! I'm glad they left the important stuff. And thanks for the tips. Those will come in handy.

Deepika said...

Oh Christina, I am so sorry this happened to you. My house has been broken into before so I totally understand what you are going through. I couldnt even sleep the next few nights. One feels so violated :( Glad to know that the things which matter the most are ok. But this is just a reminder to all of us to be careful.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! And so glad your cats and the majority of your valuables are okay.

You know, you're the second Seattle blogger I know of who's gotten broken into. It's freaking me out. I'm going to take some seriuos precautions when I get home later today.

Marji said...

I am so sorry this happened to you.
Nothing like taking all the excitement out of what should be some happy days.
Obviously you're doing what you need to to protect your identity and credit...just be safe.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I am so sorry that this had to happen to you and your family. And, just as glad that you and yours are safe.

Your wardrobe is just beautiful. Very "you".


Bonnie O. said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you, Christina.

Melissa said...

How terrible Christina! I swear, do peole not have anything better to do than make a mess of someone else's life? Obviously not!!! :-( I'm glad your kitties are safe and you're okay. Still, what a terrible feeling being violated like that. I hope they catch those rotten jerks!!! :-(

Unknown said...

Longtime lurker...first time poster. So sorry to hear about the break in. It's happened to me before and I remember feeling so violated. It's completely awful when someone makes you feel unsafe in a place where you once felt safest. Glad you and your loved ones are ok!

Vicki said...

How horrible. That has happened to us a couple of times and the last time DH actually came home while they were at it! So now we have back to base security installed.

Maja said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you. That's just terrible! I'm glad you and your kitties are ok.

Colette said...

That really stinks. I know what that feels like too! That's why we have an alarm now.

But thankfully you are all ok. Take care.

Maryissewfast said...

Hi Christina,
I'm coming a little late to the party, but just wanted to say I'm sorry you were burgalized, but I am grateful that the kitties (and the "stash") were not compromised. Also your wardrobe looks fabulous!! Mary

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that the kitties are all okay. sorry you had to deal with that hope you are feeling safe and settled again soon. g

Gwen said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this - I know it is upsetting at many levels - from losing things that are valuable to you to sometimes even changing the way you feel about your safety and the world around you... :(
But I am SO happy that your kitties are okay! Having someone hurt my kitties is my greatest fear.
I guess it's pretty obvious, but I'll say it anyway - you have a lot of love and good wishes coming your way!
Take care,

Tany said...

This is terrible, Christina, I'm so sorry... I'm glad no one was at home and got hurt. That's the worst, in my opinion. I hope the police find them and you get your stuff (or at least, most of it) back

Elaray said...

I'm sorry to hear about the break-in and happy to know you, your husband, the kitties (and your fabric) were safe and untouched.

Cindy May said...

Let's form a vigilante team and hunt them down! the #@$%**&&'s!!
seriously, the feelings of helplessness, anger and violation are terrible. so sorry.