Friday, December 21, 2007

"She must be throwing Harry's money around!"

My mom just sent me this adorable booklet she found at a thrift store, called "Home Sewing is Easy" by none other than Sally Stitch. It's 60 pages long, and undated, but I'm guessing it's from sometime around the late 40s/early 50s. Free-Westinghouse is the sewing machine featured on the cover so I assume they prepared this booklet. I'll forgo any commentary because it pretty much speaks for itself...

Click on any image to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

Christina, I've been stalking your site for some time and I love it! This book is hilarious! "She must be throwing Harry's money around!" OMG! whatta hoot! Thanks for sharing this.

Vicki said...

Hah...I particularly like Sally Stitch "turning the trick" for Mrs Homemaker. I suppose that was to fund the fabric purchase??

Thanks for sharing.

narcissaqtpie said...

how cool is this!??!!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing it with us.

lsaspacey said...

How lucky of you to find this book so easily. I've been thinking of it since Bitter Betty found her copy. See here:

cidell said...

'She must be throwing Harry's money around' ROTFL. That, is good, good, stuff.

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, what fun is that? I love to look at vintage stuff like that and often long for today to be like yesteryear (tho how would I get along without the internet and a computer???).

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a book that I got from a neighbor called "Dressmaking Made Easy" by McCall pattern company in 1942. It's not as interesting to read as your book is. Great find. Enjoy

Kitty Couture said...

This is so funny! Lots of it still holds true. Though not the saving/spending Harry's money, for sure!!

Anonymous said...

That's delightful, and so detailed (the seam and hem finish pages are great). Sally Stitch is a great name - if I ever get a dress form I think I'll call it that.

C. Dishmont said...

That. Is. Hillarious!

Tany said...

Great stuff! Thank you for sharing this!

Berry said...

And she's damn right ;o) It's fun and clearly explained.
Your mum is great!!!

Lisette M said...

That book is too funny! Thanks for sharing.

yaiAnn said...

That is too cool!